Metropolitan Contracting

Issaquah Tenant Improvements


Consider yourself in the right place if you are looking for a reliable and reputable company that offers tenant improvements in Issaquah, WA.

Improving your rental property for the benefit of the tenant is considered an expense to be incurred by the landlord, but can be done by any of the parties with mutual consent.

Get in touch with Metropolitan Contracting when looking for the best company offering Issaquah tenant improvements. As an established company, we have provided commercial remodeling and improvement services for a while.

Call us when you require top-quality Issaquah tenant improvements, which include:

  • Permanent cabinets or shelving
  • Air conditioning
  • Fixed flooring
  • Partitions

We assure you of timely work completion by offering the best Issaquah tenant improvements. We provide all our services using the best quality materials and the latest techniques.

Call Metropolitan Contracting for Issaquah tenant improvements!

(206) 222-3988


Issaquah Commercial TI


When you have to choose the best company offering Issaquah commercial TI, you must study reviews around. You will find our name at the top of the list, as we have remodeled and renovated many properties in the area.

Rely on us for the most efficient Issaquah commercial TI services, as we have successfully handled similar projects. We understand that appropriate improvements will help the tenants utilize the space proactively, ensuring that they conduct their business conveniently.

Call us when you require our Issaquah commercial TI services for the following:

  • Real estate TI
  • Retail space TI
  • Healthcare facility TI
  • Restaurant TI

Call us to get the estimate of the Issaquah commercial TI service before we begin work. We assure you of using the best team and vendors for the purpose.

Call Metropolitan Contracting for Issaquah commercial TI!

(206) 222-3988


Issaquah Commercial Remodeling


Finding the best company for Issaquah commercial remodeling can be challenging as many companies offer this service in the area. However, the best company like us offers time-bound services with minimal downtime.

Count on us for the best Issaquah commercial remodeling services, as we are experienced and have the expertise to turn drab places into sophisticated ones. Our remodeling services add to the form and functionality of the site, increasing its value and appeal.

Choose us for Issaquah commercial remodeling services for the following:

  • Commercial restroom renovation
  • Commercial building renovation
  • Commercial office exterior remodeling
  • Business office remodeling

When you choose us for Issaquah commercial remodeling, there is nothing to worry about as we take care of material sourcing, planning the remodeling and executing the plans.

Call Metropolitan Contracting for Issaquah commercial remodeling!

(206) 222-3988